Zero Double Booking Guarantee
Even though we update every channel 2-way and under 2 minutes on average, it is still possible that something might go wrong and a double booking could happen (statistically, this happens around once every 1000 bookings in our system). So, what if it happens to you? No worries! Here are the steps we take to give you peace of mind:
- We talk to the affected guests
- we find alternative accommodation of the same or better value
- we cover all the relocation costs *, and finally
- we do all this in close partnership with the affected channel to make sure your account is not affected
We are certain you will not find such a deal anywhere on the planet, no matter how hard you look. We are so confident in our service since we are the only short-term rental channel manager that can offer a Zero Double Booking Guarantee**, and the peace of mind you so need so MUCH.
* Up to 150$ in the Standard Plan and up to $500 in the Pro Plan. ** Zero Double Booking Guarantee is only available for API connected channels.

More Features

Multiple Configuration Setup
Offer your house as a whole or each room separately and sync all those configurations
Multiple Configuration Setup
Automated Messaging
Create and schedule personalized emails that you want to send to your guests
Automated Messaging
Reports and Charts
Full reports regarding your total booked nights, your average nights per stay, your occupancy rate, and revenue
Reports and ChartsSync your properties on 200+ channels

Start synchronising your listings
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