Expense Management

Simple, easy & effective Expense Management for Vacation Rentals
Track & understand your expenses
Track all your expenses along with useful charts, top lists and basic metrics
Refine your data and make informed decisions
Select your rentals of choice, the categories of interest & the date range you want to checkout
Does it feel impossible to strike the perfect balance between price and profit concerning your vacation rental?

Knowing one’s expenses determines the minimum rental rate. This allows you to maintain a budget and a steady income. Several hosts tend to underestimate expenses and barely break a profit. This is mostly due to poor planning. Make sure you’ve got all your expenses covered before you start pricing your rental.

All you need is Hosthub’s Expense Management for vacation rentals – and you’ll be good to go!

Manage your expenses and make informed decisions

Add & categorize your expenses

Add all your property expenses and keep track of them per rental
Expenses will be broken down by day to give you a clear view of how each day costs you, for each rental
Multiple rental owners have the option to distribute their expenses (by percentage & period) among their properties
After you add your expense, all metrics & charts will be auto refreshed, reflecting your latest expenses
List of expenses
Easily manage your expenses for all your rentals
You can see the list of expenses according to the selected date range, rentals & category


Organize your expenses into specific categories
Customize your categories and payment methods
Manage your expenses and make informed decisions