
Everything you need in one simple plan

If you manage more than 100 rentals, contact us to get a better deal

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Channel Manager + PMS

Top #1 rated channel manager in the world + all the PMS tools you need (either natively or via our partner integrations). 200+ channels, Zero Double Booking Guarantee, 24/7 support, and much more.



  • Billed Annually (-20%)
  • Billed Monthly
  • Up to 10 active channels
  • 2-way sync with ALL channels
  • Near real time sync
  • 24/7 support
  • Super easy setup
  • Zero double booking guarantee
  • Team management
  • Charts & Reports
  • Related listings
  • 20% discount for our Website Builder
  • Expense Management
  • Automated Messaging
  • Team Access
  • Hosthub AI Assistant

Revenue Booster

Schedule a call with our experts to get a free consultation regarding the channels it would be best to add to your current channel mix, based on your property’s characteristics. 90% of our customers saw a 2x increase in their revenues 3 months after hiring us to add their properties to the right channels!


per property / per channel


Website Builder

Creating a direct-booking website is the ultimate channel for you to have. It’s not just a place to market your rentals, it’s a place formed based on your property and your needs. With Hosthub’s Website Builder, you can get a high-quality, optimized website, personalized to your needs, for just $799!



Booking Engine

Accept online bookings on your website with no monthly fees & commissions, with a fully integrated booking engine. No matter the size of your hotel, you need to allow guests to book rooms online if you want to remain competitive and stay open for business.
