Preparation Time

You can set a Preparation Time between guest stays, for each rental, in Hosthub, and then our system will automatically block the dates on all your active channels associated with this rental.

preparation time

Your options include either:

  • No preparation time
  • From 1 to 5 days before and after each booking

For example, if you have a booking from 16/6 to 19/6 and you set a 2 days preparation time, the dates 14/6, 15/6, 20/6 & 21/6 will be blocked.

As soon as you set a Preparation Time in Hosthub:

  • the appropriate nights before and after each booking will be blocked on all your existing bookings 
  • every future booking (either via a channel or manually entered in Hosthub) will have X days before and after blocked
  • preparation time does not affect Blocks, only Bookings.

*Please note that you have to deactivate the preparation time setting in Airbnb in order to ensure proper sync of preparation time on all channels.